As a sole proprietor, Nan has been doing business as Wordability since 1992. She has indexed hundreds of books during that time including trade books, text books, periodicals, and technical manuals. A generalist, she works in many subject areas. Special focus areas include consumer health, sports training, nutrition and sports nutrition, and teacher education.
Nan received initial indexing training through the former USDA Graduate School, and has continued professional development through the American Society for Indexing. She has a B.A in French language and culture.
Prior to starting her own business, Nan worked for a growing retailer writing and producing employee handbooks, procedure manuals, newsletters, and even a couple of indexes. She learned the ins and outs of the publishing industry by working for a textbook producer where she assisted with permissions, performed editorial duties, and indexed textbooks. Long before either of those jobs, she worked as a legal assistant in a large government agency coding documents for a database index, summarizing legal testimony, exercising editing supervision, and assisting in document productions.
PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION: As a member of the American Society for Indexing, Nan has volunteered in many capacities. She served as a Board member in 2018-2020; chaired the ASI/EIS Publishing Award for Excellence in Indexing committee in 2014, and served as a committee member in 2004 and 2013. She also served a local chapter as both its President and Secretary. Nan has presented at ASI local workshops and national conferences on topics related to indexing and business management.
Nan Badgett, dbaWordability
PO Box 8666 Tucson, AZ 85738
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